Cheryl's Trust

Charity Overview

Too many young people grow up thinking no one cares and they don’t believe they can make anything of themselves…I want my Foundation to help them realise their potential and get their lives back on track.

Growing up in poverty or without working parents often means children lack the support, resources and role models at home to help them succeed. Youth unemployment is not just an economic and social issue – it can also take a toll on mental health and wellbeing. Leaving many young people with nowhere to turn.

Cheryl's Trust was set up in 2011 to help some of the UK’s most disadvantaged young people discover their potential. By providing financial support to projects and charities that share Cheryl’s vision the Foundation aims to help hundreds of young people learn the skills, self-belief and confidence needed to build themselves a happier and better future.

For more information on The Prince's Trust click here.